Torrance neighborhood real estate map.

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Click on any neighborhood below to see the current homes for sale in that area of Torrance. Explore North Torrance, Old Torrance, Plaza Del Amo, Southwood, Hollywood Riviera and more.

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The Neighborhoods of Torrance CA

Click on any “area”  below to see the homes currently for sale in that neighborhood.

northtorrance WestTorrance hollywoodriviera Walteria Southwood OldTorrance SouthTorrance SoutheastTorrance CentralTorrance HarborGateway


Torrance neighborhood real estate map.

Search Torrance Homes for Sale by Neighborhood

We hope that our neighborhood search page allows you to focus on just the areas you’re interested in. Torrance has some great neighborhoods and housing options and we hope that searching for specific areas makes that search easier. You can also search for Torrance homes by price range.

Want an easier way? Tell us a bit about your dream home and we’ll customize a search and send you daily listing alerts for homes that match what you’re looking for.

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Plaza Del Amo real estate
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Torrance real estate map

Search Neighborhoods on Our Torrance Real Estate Map

North Torrance homes West Torrance homes hollywood riviera homes Walteria Southwood Torrance homes OldT orrance South Torrance homes Southeast Torrance homes Central Torrance homes Harbor Gateway homes
West Torrance real estate map

Neighborhood Spotlight – Charming West Torrance

Welcome to the charming neighborhood of west TorranceTorrance homes for sale

Sitting just east of Redondo Beach and little further than a mile from the beach, West Torrance is a fantastic community with tree lined streets, award winning neighborhood schools that are often within walking distance, loads of great parks and all just a short drive to the beach.  Bordered by 190th to the north it enjoys mild coastal weather, proximity to shopping and dining, and has a wonderful community feel.

See the current homes for sale in West Torrance 90503

The homes in the area are generally 3 bedroom 1200 feet single family homes that are remodeled or updated and built in the 1940’s and 50s.  Unlike some of the nearby communities such as Manhattan and Hermosa Beach in which “mansionization” has become a big problem, west Torrance still retains much of it’s original charm and feel with the majority of the homes being appropriately sized for the lots.  Lot sizes range from around 5000 feet to larger 8000+ foot lots and all are highly sought after.  Prices have skyrocketed in the past several years with smaller 3 bed/1 bath homes nearing the low $1,100,00,000 with updated and expanded (many of the homes added a living room and bath in the distant past giving many homes square footage ranging between 1400 and 1700 feet) homes selling in the lower to mid $1,600,000s and newer construction nearing $2,000,000.

West Torrance real estate map

The many appealing factors to west Torrance are the numerous parks including Entradero, La Romeria, Sunnyglen and Victor, the fantastic schools of the Torrance Unified system including Lynn Middle School, Towers and Victor Elementary and West Torrance High School.  West High was even named to the Newsweek 500 top public high schools in the country.

19921 Saltee Torrance

Great Opportunity for a Remodel at 19921 Saltee

Update**As of January 25th this home had received 28 offers and were no longer accepting new offers.  This wasn’t surprising given the price being so far below market value for this West Torrance neighborhood.

We haven’t seen a price like this in west Torrance in some time and this one is definitely on the radar for many buyers.  The home needs 19221 Saltee Torranceextensive work but has some great bones and it’s in an ideal location.  The price probably eliminates all but the most daring flippers as it probably needs additional square footage and a master bath, but it seems an ideal fit for the owner user that wants to do the rehab work themselves.  Other than the bathroom… a coat of paint, refinishing of the hardwood floors (from what we could see they were in great shape under the carpet) and lots of cosmetic love would go a very long way in making the home livable.

One challenge is the very odd somewhat enclosed patio leading off of the side and back of the house.  It’s just…well…odd and doesn’t feel like an indoor or outdoor space.  It also wasn’t permitted so the simplest solution is probably a sledgehammer.

Click to see the details on 19921 Saltee in West Torrance.

Torrance neighborhood real estate map.

Torrance CA Real Estate Map – Search for Homes

Welcome to our Torrance CA Real Estate Map and Home Search

Torrance, California is a big city and it’s neighborhoods and areas vary considerably in the types of homes, feel of the neighborhood, and home prices.

As realtors, we search for homes by neighborhood so that we can best assist our clients to find the right type of homes in the right areas.  Below is a map used by realtors and used in MLS home searches.  The numbers coincide with the areas that we use to search and each has it’s differences and similarities.  The three areas that often cause confusion are area 128 the Hollywood Riviera and areas 122 and 123, Harbor Gateway and County Strip.

Much of the Hollywood Riviera actually has Redondo Beach, 90277, zip codes but the area is actually part of Torrance and services and schools are Torrance.  The County Strip and Harbor Gateway areas actually have Torrance zip codes but are serviced by the city of Los Angeles.  It’s distance from the beach, proximity to commercial and industrial, and the schools being LA Unified makes the homes significantly less expensive then the city of Torrance areas.

The Neighborhoods of Torrance CA

North Torrance homes West Torrance homes Hollywood Riviera homes Walteria Torrance homes Southwood Torrance homes OldTorrance South Torrance homes Southeast Torrance homes Central Torrance Harbor Gateway Torrance

Search Homes in Torrance Neighborhoods

plaza del amo
old torrance homes
walteria torrance
north torrance homes
redondo beach real estate
Single story homes

Real Estate Market Trends for Southwood Torrance

When buying or selling homes in the Southwood neighborhood of Torrance,Torrance homes for sale knowing and understanding the real estate market is critical to making the right decision. Real estate trends can help determine current values or even when the appropriate time to list and sell your Southwood home. The information below is intended to help you get a better understanding of what is happening in the market.  Sitting just east of Redondo Beach and in between the Torrance neighborhoods of South Torrance and West Torrance, Southwood is a very community oriented area with most homes within walking distance to local schools, homes with appropriate sized lots and tree lined streets.

The chart below shows the number of active listings (light green) sold homes (dark green) and pending home sales (red line) The greater the discrepancy between active homes and sold homes indicates a buyers market and when the numbers are closer a sellers market is indicated as inventory is down.

The chart below shows the average price per square foot. Square footage in the South Bay often doesn’t mean as much as in other markets as values can vary so dramatically due to things such as proximity to the beach, views, specific neighborhoods.

The chart below shows the average days on market per month as well as the % of list price that homes sold at. A high % indicates a sellers market as home sell at, or above list price.

The chart below shows the average price for listed home sales in relation to the average price for sold homes.

The chart below indicates the months of home inventory based on closed home sales. Buyer’s market: more than 6 months of inventory Seller’s market: less than 3 months of inventory Neutral market: 3 – 6 months of inventory