Torrance neighborhood real estate map.

Search Homes for Sale on our Torrance Real Estate Map

Click on any neighborhood below to see the current homes for sale in that area of Torrance. Explore North Torrance, Old Torrance, Plaza Del Amo, Southwood, Hollywood Riviera and more.

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Want an even easier way to search for homes?  Tell us just a bit about your ideal home and we’ll customize a home search and send you updates whenever a new listing hit’s the market.  Never miss a Torrance listing again.

The Neighborhoods of Torrance CA

Click on any “area”  below to see the homes currently for sale in that neighborhood.

northtorrance WestTorrance hollywoodriviera Walteria Southwood OldTorrance SouthTorrance SoutheastTorrance CentralTorrance HarborGateway


Torrance neighborhood real estate map.

Search Torrance Homes for Sale by Neighborhood

We hope that our neighborhood search page allows you to focus on just the areas you’re interested in. Torrance has some great neighborhoods and housing options and we hope that searching for specific areas makes that search easier. You can also search for Torrance homes by price range.

Want an easier way? Tell us a bit about your dream home and we’ll customize a search and send you daily listing alerts for homes that match what you’re looking for.

torrance homes for sale
west torrance homes
southwood torrance
hollywood riviera homes
Central Torrance homes for sale
south torrance real estate
walteria torrance homes
north Torrance homes for sale
old torrance homes
south east torrance homes
harbor gateway torrance homes
Plaza Del Amo real estate
south east torrance homes
Single family homes for sale in Torrance
condos and townhomes for sale in Torrance
Torrance duplexes for sale
55+ senior condos in Torrance
Torrance real estate map

Search Neighborhoods on Our Torrance Real Estate Map

North Torrance homes West Torrance homes hollywood riviera homes Walteria Southwood Torrance homes OldT orrance South Torrance homes Southeast Torrance homes Central Torrance homes Harbor Gateway homes
Torrance neighborhood real estate map.

Torrance CA Real Estate Map – Search for Homes

Welcome to our Torrance CA Real Estate Map and Home Search

Torrance, California is a big city and it’s neighborhoods and areas vary considerably in the types of homes, feel of the neighborhood, and home prices.

As realtors, we search for homes by neighborhood so that we can best assist our clients to find the right type of homes in the right areas.  Below is a map used by realtors and used in MLS home searches.  The numbers coincide with the areas that we use to search and each has it’s differences and similarities.  The three areas that often cause confusion are area 128 the Hollywood Riviera and areas 122 and 123, Harbor Gateway and County Strip.

Much of the Hollywood Riviera actually has Redondo Beach, 90277, zip codes but the area is actually part of Torrance and services and schools are Torrance.  The County Strip and Harbor Gateway areas actually have Torrance zip codes but are serviced by the city of Los Angeles.  It’s distance from the beach, proximity to commercial and industrial, and the schools being LA Unified makes the homes significantly less expensive then the city of Torrance areas.

The Neighborhoods of Torrance CA

North Torrance homes West Torrance homes Hollywood Riviera homes Walteria Torrance homes Southwood Torrance homes OldTorrance South Torrance homes Southeast Torrance homes Central Torrance Harbor Gateway Torrance

Search Homes in Torrance Neighborhoods

plaza del amo
old torrance homes
walteria torrance
north torrance homes
redondo beach real estate
Hollywood Riviera homes for sale - 340 Via Colusa

Welcome to Torrance Real Estate & Homes for Sale

By Keith KyleHomes for sale in the Hollywood Riviera

Welcome to Torrance real estate.  We have strived to offer the very best information and home search features on a local website designed specifically for Torrance home buyers and sellers.  As local Torrance and Redondo Beach real estate specialists we understand how unique Torrance is and how different and distinct the various areas can be.  From oceanfront homes in the Hollywood Riviera, to duplex and income properties in the County Strip area…..we can help.  Search for homes with our free Torrance MLS access or allow us to do the hard work for you with our FREE daily listing updates and know about new homes first.  Our website offers information on real estate markets and trends in each neighborhood, recent home sales and prices, current off market homes and MLS listings, short sales and foreclosures and information for home sellers to find out what their Torrance home is worth and how we have been so successful at marketing and selling homes in the area.  We hope that our website is a great place to start for all of your Torrance real estate needs.  Contact us as any time for questions or more information.


See the most recent listings below orbrowse through the menus above to search Torrance homes by neighborhood, price, or home type.

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