Torrance neighborhood real estate map.

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The Neighborhoods of Torrance CA

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northtorrance WestTorrance hollywoodriviera Walteria Southwood OldTorrance SouthTorrance SoutheastTorrance CentralTorrance HarborGateway


Torrance neighborhood real estate map.

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We hope that our neighborhood search page allows you to focus on just the areas you’re interested in. Torrance has some great neighborhoods and housing options and we hope that searching for specific areas makes that search easier. You can also search for Torrance homes by price range.

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Torrance real estate map

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North Torrance homes West Torrance homes hollywood riviera homes Walteria Southwood Torrance homes OldT orrance South Torrance homes Southeast Torrance homes Central Torrance homes Harbor Gateway homes
Village Court 55+ senior condos in Torrance

Torrance Home Spotlight – 55+ Living at Village Court 21345 Hawthorne

By Keith Kyle21345_Hawthorne_Blvd_Village Court Spa

Located in the fantastic Torrance neighborhood of Southwood, Village Court is definitely not what often comes to mind when you think of 55+ senior living.  Village Court was built in 2005 by Anastasi Developement and original prices ranged from the lower to mid $500s for a one bedroom all the way up to over $850,000 for the largest of the 3 bedrooms.  There are several Village Court floorplans ranging from one bedroom units with 716 square feet, 1 Torrance 55+ Condosbedroom with a den, 2 bedroom as well as the rare 3 bedroom units with approximately 1300 square feet.

See the current homes for sale in Village Court 21345 Hawthorne Blvd.

All floorplans have a nice and open layout with a spacious corner kitchen, featuring hardwood floors, granite countertops and stainless appliances, open to the living room.  Each home offers a deck or patio and face either the exterior side of the building or the interior social area with views of the BBQ areas, sitting areas, pool and spa.Village Court Bedroom

With resort style amenities Village Court offers a beautiful pool and spa deck with fireplaces and firepits, sitting “lounge” areas, outdoor dining tables, exercise room, library area and clubhouse.

Torrance neighborhood real estate map.

Torrance CA Real Estate Map – Search for Homes

Welcome to our Torrance CA Real Estate Map and Home Search

Torrance, California is a big city and it’s neighborhoods and areas vary considerably in the types of homes, feel of the neighborhood, and home prices.

As realtors, we search for homes by neighborhood so that we can best assist our clients to find the right type of homes in the right areas.  Below is a map used by realtors and used in MLS home searches.  The numbers coincide with the areas that we use to search and each has it’s differences and similarities.  The three areas that often cause confusion are area 128 the Hollywood Riviera and areas 122 and 123, Harbor Gateway and County Strip.

Much of the Hollywood Riviera actually has Redondo Beach, 90277, zip codes but the area is actually part of Torrance and services and schools are Torrance.  The County Strip and Harbor Gateway areas actually have Torrance zip codes but are serviced by the city of Los Angeles.  It’s distance from the beach, proximity to commercial and industrial, and the schools being LA Unified makes the homes significantly less expensive then the city of Torrance areas.

The Neighborhoods of Torrance CA

North Torrance homes West Torrance homes Hollywood Riviera homes Walteria Torrance homes Southwood Torrance homes OldTorrance South Torrance homes Southeast Torrance homes Central Torrance Harbor Gateway Torrance

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plaza del amo
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walteria torrance
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redondo beach real estate
Single family homes in Torrance

Neighborhood Spotlight – Southwood Torrance Homes for Sale

Welcome to Real Estate in Southwood TorranceHollywood Riviera homes for sale - 340 Via Colusa

Sitting between West Torrance and South Torrance is the wonderful neighborhood of Southwood.  This small area also sits just east of Redondo Beach and the proximity to the ocean means milder weather and great ocean breezes that other parts of the city don’t enjoy.

Southwood Real Estate and Homes for Sale

Comprised mainly of 1940s and 1950s beach style bungalows, the area is still more affordable than some of the nearby beach cities while still having a certain charm lost in some of these other areas with oversized homes, makes a statement type architecture and over development.  Some homes have gone the route of maximum square footage, but the majority still look like homes that belong in the neighborhoods and give homeowners a bit of space and separation.  Although prices are still below neighboring South Redondo, they have risen dramatically in the past 2 years with most original smaller 3 bed/1 bath homes starting in the mid to low $900’s for fairly original, but nice condition, and the larger 3 bed/2 bath 1400 foot (many homes added a family room accounting for the extra square footage) selling anywhere from the mid to low $1,200,000s up to the low $1,600,000’s depending on location and condition.

What makes the area so special is the community feel, with an abundance of parks, dog parks and schools all within walking distance.   A quick drive down just about any street says it all with pride of ownership being quite apparent.  Manicured lawns, updated homes, tree lined streets and an abundance of neighbors walking the area makes for a great atmosphere.  Contact us if you are interested in learning more about Southwood or would be interested in receiving free email updates with the latest listings.

Current Southwood Torrance homes for sale

Single family homes in Torrance

Real Estate Micro Market Update – Southwood Torrance

By Keith Kyle

The neighborhood of Southwood in Torrance CA is a fantastic area with tree lined streets with primarily single family homes and a great community feel. Prices in this neighborhood, located just east of Redondo Beach, have seen steady increases since the beginning of 2013 and doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. Here’s a quick recap of the current real estate market conditions in this Torrance neighborhood.

  • Active homes for sale – 8
  • Lowest list price – $485,000 – 5500 Torrance Blvd #C121
  • Highest list price – $1,199,000 – 21213 Anza Ave
  • Average list price – $753,713
  • Average price per square foot – $483.68
  • Average Days on Market – 35
  • In escrow – 8
  • Total homes sold in 2014 YTD – 20
  • Average sales price – $627,688
  • Average price per square foot – $474.73