Recent Home Sales in The Communities of Plaza Del Amo
Plaza Del Amo is a unique area in Central Torrance with an abundance of gated communities. Although there are certainly complexes inTorrance that are similar there is no concentration of these single family, townhome and condo communities anywhere else. It’s really a real estate market unto itself in the heart of Torrance.
The real estate market in the Plaza Del Amo area was solid once again for the month of August 2019 with 11 closed home sales during the month. The lowest priced sale of the month was a 1 bedroom condo on Merrill selling at just under $400,000 with the high sale of the months being a 4 bedroom single family home on Cranbrook selling at $895,000. View also the current homes for sale in the Plaza Del Amo communities of Torrance.
Plaza Del Amo August Home Sales
MLS | Type | Address | Sales Price | $ Per Foot | Bed/Bath | Sq Feet | Year | Close Date | |
SB19124068 | CONDO/A | 2559 | Plaza Del Amo #208 | $535,000 | $508.56 | 1/1,0,1,0 | 1052/A | 1984/ASR | 8/1/2019 |
PV19116891 | TWNHS/A | 2800 | Plaza Del Amo #239 | $620,000 | $569.85 | 2/2,0,1,0 | 1088/A | 1988/ASR | 8/2/2019 |
IV19127812 | SFR/D | 905 | Faysmith AVE | $890,000 | $540.05 | 4/2,0,0,0 | 1648/A | 1951/PUB | 8/2/2019 |
SB19142190 | TWNHS/A | 2801 | Sepulveda BLVD #122 | $825,000 | $455.55 | 3/2,0,1,0 | 1811/A | 1996/ASR | 8/6/2019 |
SB19150625 | SFR/D | 1633 | Hickory AVE | $880,000 | $511.93 | 4/1,0,1,0 | 1719/A | 1948/ASR | 8/7/2019 |
SB19157610 | TWNHS/A | 2595 | Plaza Del Amo #415 | $668,000 | $491.54 | 2/2,0,1,0 | 1359/A | 1986/ASR | 8/14/2019 |
PW19114607 | SFR/A | 1204 | Cranbrook AVE | $895,000 | $473.54 | 4/2,0,0,0 | 1890/A | 1951/ASR | 8/21/2019 |
SB19181641 | SFR/D | 1719 | Iris AVE | $880,000 | $451.75 | 4/2,0,1,0 | 1948/A | 1957/ASR | 8/26/2019 |
SB19163321 | TWNHS/A | 3101 | Plaza Del Amo #23 | $635,000 | $466.57 | 2/3,0,0,0 | 1361/A | 1986/ASR | 8/29/2019 |
SB19150903 | CONDO/A | 3030 | Merrill DR #39 | $398,000 | $457.47 | 1/1,0,0,0 | 870/A | 1963/ASR | 8/30/2019 |
819003245 | SFR/D | 1027 | Kornblum AVE | $809,000 | $641.55 | 3/1,0,1,0 | 1261/P | 1951/ASR | 8/30/2019 |