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Oceanfront homes on Paseo De La Playa

Oceanfront Home for at 501 Paseo De La Playa in the Hollywood Riviera Sells at $5,300,000

By Keith Kyle

I’ve been fortunate to represent a few clients on purchases or sales along Paseo De La Playa in the Hollywood Riviera and the locations is nothing short of spectacular.  Paseo De La Playa is the oceanfront street that connects Redondo Beach with the beginning of the Palos Verdes Peninsula and offers a lifestyle not found in many places.  Hollywood Riviera is a unique area as it has a Redondo Beach address but is actually located in the city of Torrance.

The recent sale of 501 Paseo De La Playa is no exception.  This 5 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath home sits high on the bluff and offers mesmerizing views of the ocean, Palos Verdes and the beautiful coastline from Redondo to Malibu.  This oceanfront home was listed for $5,500,000 and sold for $5,300,000.

501 Paseo De La Playa in the Hollywood Riviera