Schools are Very Important to the Torrance Real Estate Market

It’s no real secret that good schools help drive real estate values in certain neighborhoods and communities.  Buyers with kids want to be in areas with good schools and that higher demand helps keep values up.  Even those without kids greatly benefit from a strong school system.  The stronger the schools the more insulated a market is from any downturns.  That was very evident in Redondo Beach that saw home prices drop during the recession and housing crisis, but only a very small amount compared with other local areas that do not have as strong a school system.

A recent CAR study showed that 47% of home buyers said good schools were very importan, 23% said that they were somewhat important, 11% said not very important and 19% said that it was not important at all.

The 19% may not realize just how much of an influence schools play on values and demand.  Good elementary schools are often part of a good community and without question most buyers would like to live in a good community.

The Torrance Unified School District is highly ranked and that creates a very high demand, especially for families thinking of living in this coastal community.

The study also conclued that 43% of consumers age 34 or under believe highly rated schools are very important.  58% of consumers earning more than $100,000 a year think that highly rated schools are very important.

Riviera Elementary School in Torrance

Torrance Schools….how they score

By Keith KyleTorrance High School

Without question one of the many reasons people want to live in Torrance is the highly ranked Torrance Unified School District.  From the elementary schools to the highly regarded high schools, the district has a lot to offer and always ranks high in state test scores.  Both South and West High were recently named one of the Top 500 Public High Schools by Newsweek.

Elementary Schools
Anza Elementary 916 918 A -2 Yes
Arlington Elementary 885 887 A -2 Yes
Edison Elementary 860 876 A -16 Yes
Evelyn Carr Elementary 813 834 A -21 Yes
Fern Elementary 844 864 A -20 Yes
Hickory Elementary
Howard Wood Elementary 842 846 A -4 Yes
John Adams Elementary 850 853 A -3 Yes
Joseph Arnold Elementary 899 907 A -8 Yes
Lincoln Elementary 894 897 A -3 Yes
Riviera Elementary 907 918 A -11 Yes
Seaside Elementary 902 915 A -13 Yes
Torrance Elementary 821 837 A -16 Yes
Towers Elementary 908 916 A -8 Yes
Victor Elementary 899 916 A -17 Yes
Walteria Elementary 906 909 A -3 Yes
Yukon Elementary 838 859 A -21 Yes
Middle Schools
Bert M. Lynn Middle 910 936 A -26 Yes
Calle Mayor Middle 908 928 A -20 Yes
Casimir Middle 859 862 A -3 Yes
Edward J. Richardson Middle 907 921 A -14 Yes
J. H. Hull Middle 800 826 A -26 Yes
Jefferson Middle 858 887 A -29 Yes
Madrona Middle 882 891 A -9 Yes
Philip Magruder Middle 846 827 A 19 Yes
High Schools
North High 807 815 A -8 Yes
South High 875 876 A -1 Yes
Torrance High 811 822 A -11 Yes
West High 868 873 A -5 Yes
Single family homes in Torrance

Neighborhood Spotlight – Southwood Torrance Homes for Sale

Welcome to Real Estate in Southwood TorranceHollywood Riviera homes for sale - 340 Via Colusa

Sitting between West Torrance and South Torrance is the wonderful neighborhood of Southwood.  This small area also sits just east of Redondo Beach and the proximity to the ocean means milder weather and great ocean breezes that other parts of the city don’t enjoy.

Southwood Real Estate and Homes for Sale

Comprised mainly of 1940s and 1950s beach style bungalows, the area is still more affordable than some of the nearby beach cities while still having a certain charm lost in some of these other areas with oversized homes, makes a statement type architecture and over development.  Some homes have gone the route of maximum square footage, but the majority still look like homes that belong in the neighborhoods and give homeowners a bit of space and separation.  Although prices are still below neighboring South Redondo, they have risen dramatically in the past 2 years with most original smaller 3 bed/1 bath homes starting in the mid to low $900’s for fairly original, but nice condition, and the larger 3 bed/2 bath 1400 foot (many homes added a family room accounting for the extra square footage) selling anywhere from the mid to low $1,200,000s up to the low $1,600,000’s depending on location and condition.

What makes the area so special is the community feel, with an abundance of parks, dog parks and schools all within walking distance.   A quick drive down just about any street says it all with pride of ownership being quite apparent.  Manicured lawns, updated homes, tree lined streets and an abundance of neighbors walking the area makes for a great atmosphere.  Contact us if you are interested in learning more about Southwood or would be interested in receiving free email updates with the latest listings.

Current Southwood Torrance homes for sale